About Emily

Emily Vogel’s poetry, essays, reviews, and translations have been published in numerous journals and magazines, most recently in The North American Review. She is the author of five chapbooks, and four full-length collections. She is the author as well of a forthcoming collection, entitled ‘The House That Wailed, Prior to Priya’.

Prayer for Bathing
The sunset resists itself
and in its premature glow
while I un-clock myself
supine in the bathtub
I converse with the trees
that I can see
through the half-lowered blinds
on the window.
And sometimes the trees
are as ancient as a whisper of lives
which exhale into other lives upon lives,
and then sudden as a shift of wind,
they hold their council
and remain in a brevity of stillness,
as I witness their silence
both in ear and eye,
until the air giggles into them
once again:
the vibrant green touched with gold,
God’s ephemeral intention
which seems so much like an arbitrary gesture,
but yet means so much
as what it was meant to mean.
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