Oriental Lilies

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About Dr Paramita

Dr. Paramita Mukherjee Mullick is a scientist, editor, literary curator and an award-winning poet. She has published eleven books and some of her poems have been translated into more than forty five languages. She promotes peace, multilingual, global and indigenous poetry. Through her poems she also makes children and adults aware about conservation and climate change.

Oriental Lilies

The fragrance, the colour and the perfection.
The dazzle, the mystery, a wondrous collection.
The stargazers looking up to absorb all.
They among all other flowers stand tall.

My mother was so much like Oriental lilies.
The dazzle of her intellect and her sparkling words of ease.
The mystery of her beautiful eyes and her affectionate gaze.
Like a stargazer, she spread knowledge and made the world a better place. 


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