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My Kind of Russian Roulette is a collection of lyric poetry that speaks softly about a young girl’s deep feelings about love, loss and loneliness and her constant search for sunshine and happiness in life. A remarkable first book by young poet Tapaja Chakraborty that will certainly enthrall the reader with utmost positivity.

My Kind of Russian Roulette

Author: Tapaja Chakraborty

“In her debut collection of lyrics and her journey through years, Tapaja Chakraborty shows great promise and potential. Her words reflect the richness of her creative imagination, and readers are sure to find in her work echoes of their own emotional experiences.

As a young writer, she has captured the cadences, the nuances, and the pauses that make up the essence of song lyrics. This collection is a testament to her dedication to her craft. According to the lyricist, life and creation go hand in hand, in which music is like a catharsis, a cleansing of emotions which also can make you stronger yet calmer. For her, life is her kind of Russian roulette where love is often a sweet regret, life is no fairy-tale, haters are always going to hate, but despitethat life can be pretty and beautiful.

The book has four sections, each depicting a different aspect of life and how she has navigated through it where success and failure, joy and heartbreak, went hand in hand.” – Srikanta Acharya.

Publisher‏‎Haoajan Publishers
Publishing DateJanuary 1, 2022
Paperback104 pages
Reading age12 years and up
Country of OriginIndia


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