About Gopal

Gopal Lahiri is a bilingual poet, critic, editor, writer and translator with 29 books published, including eight solo/jointly edited books. His poetry is also published across various anthologies as well as in eminent journals of India and abroad. His poems are translated in 16 languages.
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He has been nominated for Pushcart Prize for poetry in 2021. He is the recipient of the Poet of the Year Award in Destiny Poets, UK, 2016, Setu Excellence Award, 2020, Pittsburgh, US and Indology Life-Time Achievement award, West Bengal, India. His latest collection of poems ‘Alleys are Filled with Future Alphabets.’ has received wide acclaim. and recently he has received First Jayanta Mahapatra National Award, 2024 for his contribution in Indian English Writing.
Gopal’s Book

They are asleep now and silent.
with two sharp cries the yellow bird flies away,
feathers begin to fall into the world below,
slowly, one after another.
they are too many to count.
These drifts and turns, I suppose,
a revolution, a transformation,
they are close against my heart,
You must flow and then anchor,
somewhere in the haze, I realize the life.
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