Forgive Reality
Read more: Forgive RealityCrossing the Shoreline, a fresh collection of poems by one of our finest contemporary poets Gopal Lahiri reads like embarking on a new voyage to an unknown landscape where the inner self is reborn once again.
Borders & Broken Hearts
Read more: Borders & Broken HeartsIn her new book, Borders and Broken Hearts / Kashish, Gayatri offers the gift of her poems, along with their Sindhi translations rendered both in the Perso-Arabic script proper to the language and the Devanagari that marks an accommodation to independent India’s cultural politics. Gayatri’s poems testify to a deep emotional drive geared towards homecoming;…
Crossing the Shoreline
Read more: Crossing the ShorelineCrossing the Shoreline, a fresh collection of poems by one of our finest contemporary poets Gopal Lahiri reads like embarking on a new voyage to an unknown landscape where the inner self is reborn once again.